After Opium War, Chinese traditional unitary system of government was gradually broken by foreign invading forces, and domestic regime began to change and alternate. 鸦片战争之后,中国传统的一元化政体逐渐被外来侵略势力所打破,随之国内政权也开始变革和更迭交替发展。
In chapter 3 we generalize the wavelet unitary system < D. T> to the wavelet type unitary system uD, T-. 第三章把小波酉系统推广到了小波类型酉系统U(D,T)。
For a long time, however, the unitary system of investment dominantly by governments seriously fetters the development of higher education. 然而,长期以来,以政府投资为主的单一教育投资模式严重束缚了我国高等教育的发展。
There being a certain amount of limitations in the theory of distinguishing between federal system and unitary system, both systems in practice should be opposed each other in extent rather than in concept. 由于现有有关单一制和联邦制区分的理论存在一定的缺陷和误区,实践中的单一制和联邦制不应是相互对立的概念,二者只是程度上的差别。
The proper position of federalism is between the completely separated autonomy and highly centralized unitary system. 联邦制的恰当定位是介于完全分离的自治体与高度集权的单一制之间。
Perturbation of Frame and Dilation Property of a Unitary System 框架的扰动与酉系统的膨胀性
China is a centralization country that has the unitary system of long history. 中国是有着悠久历史的单一制的中央集权国家。
The function and mission of the Marxist philosophy, which is accommodative to the replacement of social background, should change from unitary system criticism and construction, to an equal commitment to system and spiritual culture construction. 与社会背景的置换相适应,马克思哲学的功能和使命,应由单一的制度批判和建构,转向制度建构与精神文化建构两个向度并重。
The unitary system under central government, established by the British colonialists in the 19th century, sowed the seeds of racial conflict in that country. 19世纪英国殖民者逐步确立的单一制的中央集权体制深深地埋下了民族冲突的根源。
The historical origin of official standard consciousness is official privilege system, social hierarchy in which official is noble, unitary system of educating, selecting and encouraging talented people. 官僚特权制度,官为贵的社会等级制度,一元的人才培育、选拔、激励制度,是官本位意识的历史成因。
Dilation Property of the Group-Like Unitary System 群似酉系统的膨胀性
Two examples of applying the theory to a unitary system and compound system show that replacing the systems at their thermoeconomic life is obviously beneficial. 一个能量系统更新的实例,表明在它的热经济寿命时更新系统,可使系统创造更大的经济收益。
It has finished the missions of federalism using the unitary system with diverse local government modes and maintained the national unification and stability. 它采取多样性地方政府模式使单一制完成了联邦制的使命,维护了一个大国的统一和稳定。
On this foundation, we introduce the definitions of frame, dilation property of a unitary system and wavelet-type unitary system and study the frame perturbation; the dilation property of some special unitary systems and the basic properties of wavelet-type unitary system. 本文在此基础上引入了框架,酉系统的膨胀性以及小波类型酉系统等一系列概念,并相应地研究了框架的扰动性,几种类型酉系统的膨胀性以及小波类型酉系统的基本性质。
While the constitution of unitary state does not name it a unitary state directly, nor expresses the states structure by using the dear word of unitary system in the full context of the constitution. 单一制国家宪法则无直接冠名,也很少在宪法全文中用单一制这样明显的文字直接表述国家结构形式。
In chapter 2 we study the dilation property of a unitary system. 第二章主要研究酉系统的膨胀性质。
The method adopts the mechanism of virtual data set to abstract the storage system aggregated in the Grid into a virtual unitary system, realizing the united view of grid data and the uniform data access method in one grid environment. 这种方法采用虚拟数据集的机制将汇聚在网格中的存储系统抽象成一个虚拟一体化系统,实现了网格数据的统一视图和一种网格环境中的数据统一访问方法。
Justification Between Unitary System and Scission System in International Inheritance and Enlightening to Our Country's Legislation 国际遗产继承中的同一制和区别制辨析及对我国的立法启示
After studying, we find there are many reports about grass culture in material and immaterial, but it has not been formed a unitary system. 通过研究,发现目前的草文化体现在物质与精神的许多方面,几乎没有形成体系。
As a unitary system, container transportation in China is in a developing stage now, compared with developed western country. Furthermore, a lot of concerned factors are affecting container transportation, so that all Chinese port appeared variety performance, under diversification of circumstance. 就整体而言,目前国内集装箱运输相对西方国家发展程度,尚处于发展期,集装箱运输的很多相关因素在不断变化,使得各港随着内外条件的变化存在着很大变数。
The successful practice of the 'one country, two systems' policy in HK and Macau, breaks through the conventional knowledge of the unitary system in many aspects. 改革开放后,一国两制在香港、澳门的成功实践,在多个方面突破了对单一制的传统认识,缔造了事实上的复合单一制的局面。
The One country, two systems policy in the unitary system is bound to become the final mode in solving Taiwan issue. 在单一制条件下实行一国两制必定成为解决台湾问题的最终模式。
He has a profound insights on the local authority and the state power division, and he suggests federation or unitary system along with the reality of change. About the party ideology, he opposes the parties competition in the beginning, then he agree with party competition. 他还对地方权力与国家权力的划分有着深刻的见解,随着现实情况的变化提出单一制、联邦制的提议;在政党思想上,他经历了反对政党竞争到赞同政党竞争的发展阶段。
The successful practice of the one country, two systems policy in HK and Macao, breaks through the conventional knowledge of the unitary system in many aspects. 一国两制在香港、澳门的成功实践,在多个方面突破了对单一制的传统认识。
The factors of "Minzu" also exerted important influence on the choice of the state structural arrangement in the early republican period and made people gradually realize that the unitary system adapted to the Chinese context. 在民国初年国家结构形式的选择过程中,民族因素同样产生了重要影响,使得人们逐渐认识到单一制是适合中国现实国情的国家结构形式。
Criminal trial procedure of our country is operating under a unitary system for a long time. Conviction and sentencing are carrying out in a same court trial with no special section for investigation and debate. 长期以来,我国刑事审判程序均以一元制形式运行,定罪、量刑在同一庭审程序中进行,且没有专门针对量刑的调查、辩论环节。
Firstly, in introduction of a Unitary system and the basic meaning of federalism. 首先,介绍了单一制与联邦制的基本含义。
This policy is a creation, which could solve the unification of China under the circumstance of unitary system. 这是一种在单一制条件下解决国家统一问题的新创造。
But the unitary system does not equal to absolute centralization while federalism does not equal to absolute decentralization either. 但单一制并不意味着绝对集权,联邦制也并非绝对分权。
A special model of state structure has been formed in contemporary China which combines features of unitary system and federalism. 当代中国是混合了单一制和联邦制因素而形成的一种独特的国家结构形式。